National Council Holds Rally of Remembrance for Mamed Emin Rasulzadeh

The National Council of Democratic Forces (NCDF) on the occasion of the 132nd anniversary of the birth of the founder of the Azerbaijan People's Republic (APR, 1918-1920) Mamed Emin Rasulzadeh held a rally of remembrance at the monument to the statesman in the village Novkhany.

Members and supporters of NCDF made a procession from the main highway to the park in Novkhani, where the monument is located, chanting slogans “Rasulzadeh - Elchibey, No Other Leaders!”, “Monument in a Village, Authority - Across the Country,” “Freedom for People, Independence for Nations!","Freedom!" and others.

NCDF Chairman, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Jamil Hasanli, and the leader of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA) Ali Kerimlli spoke about Rasulzadeh’s high place in the history of Azerbaijan, his contribution to the creation of the Azerbaijani state, and his struggle for restoration of the republic’s independence after its occupation by the Bolsheviks.

He also focused attention on the multifaceted activities of Rasluzadeh as a political figure.

"When Mamed Emin Rasulzadeh appeared on the scene of socio-political processes, the Azerbaijani people were trying to find ways of their further development. The nation’s way to freedom was outlined even before Rasulzadeh, while Rasulzadeh took the mission to form an organized political movement for that," Hasanli said.

Kerimli, in turn, noted that Rasulzadeh personally accepted the responsibility of a leader in a difficult period.

"Our people are justifiably proud of Rasulzadeh and love him. Rasulzadeh was not only a politician, ideologist and statesman, but also a great writer and publicist. Most importantly, he was the biggest fighter for the Azerbaijani state and nation," said Kerimli.

In his view, the remains of Rasulzadeh will be transported to Azerbaijan, and the largest monument in Azerbaijan will be set to him.

"Azerbaijan was in clean hands twice in its history - during the Azerbaijan People's Republic (1918-20) and the Popular Front (1992-93). But the dynastic power ruling the country for 23 years has been fighting with these symbols of purity," said Kerimli.

The rally was held without police intervention. --05C--

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