National Security Ministry (NSM) exposes some groups of drug traffickers

Employees of the National Security Ministry (NSM) exposed a group smuggling drugs from Iran, and confiscated from them about 30 kilo of drugs. The detained are  the Azerbaijanis: Tural Ahyev, Habil Mammadov and Asiman Mamedov. In collusion with Iranian citizen named Ahad, they  imported into Azerbaijan about 10 kilo of opium and 977.9 gram of heroin.

During the raid an Iranian citizen Arami Hussein was detained, and 15 kilo and 162.86 gram of hashish was confiscated.

During another raid  the employees of the NSM detained citizens of Azerbaijan: Agaguseyn Mirzoyev, Samir Abdullayev, Elkhan Kazymov, Kamran Aliyev, Rovshan Mehraliev and Javanshir Aliyev, and the Iranians – Bani Reza and  Soltanali Bairamali.

Lawsuits have been filed on all cases under the Articles 206.3.2 (smuggling of persons by prior  collusion), 234.4.1 and 234.4.3 (illegal purchase and sale of drugs in large amounts  on  prior agreement.)

In respect of these persons a preventive measure is arrest. Investigative and operational activities  are ongoing.—05D06—




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