On Akif Chovdarov’s Trial

Former MNS General Akif Chovdarov stopped the hunger strike, which he allegedly kept for 40 days in protest against the violation of his rights. This was said by the lawyer Sadig Rasulov on December 5 at the trial of Chovdarov and three of his former subordinates, Akif Aliyev, Salim Mammadov and Orkhan Osmanov.

The trial takes place in the Sabunchu District Court under the chairmanship of Habib Hasanov behind the closed doors.

According to information from the lawyers and the victims, the spouse of the victim merchant Shahmar Gurbanov testified that her husband was forced to give Chovdarov property of "one million" - two apartments, shops, cars, and jewelry in the form of diamonds.

The woman said that together with her husband she flew to Dubai for diamonds for Chovdarov and the former Minister Eldar Mahmudov.

Chovdarov took 500,000 dollars and diamonds for a total of 380,000 dollars from Gurbanov by threats, said the woman.

However Chovdarov denied the allegations, saying that the investigation against Gurbanov was based on the complaint of a citizen of India, who deceived Gurbanov, misappropriating his money by fraud.

The trial will continue on December 19.

Chovdarov was arrested on November 15 last year after the start of criminal proceedings against a number of high-ranking MNS employees. The case involves 21 former employees of the Ministry of National Security (MNS), of which 19 are in custody.

Chovdarov is accused under Articles 179 (misappropriation and embezzlement), 145 (illegal confinement), 308 (abuse of power), 311 (bribery), and others.     ---16D06-

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