Press Review 06.01.14

"Azadlig" writes about the beginning of the investigation  of "Susurlugsky events" ( car accidents  happened  in the area Susurlug in which "King of Casino", Lutvi Omar Topal died) in Turkey in 1996, and the name of the President Ilham Aliyev was mentioned  then.

State Support for Media Foundation  excluded the newspaper "Azadlig" from the list of funded for the next three months. Media experts call it "a political order."

Newspaper, analyzing the facts of suicides in the country, says that one of the main reasons is the psychological confrontation between the authorities and the people.

At   the meeting of the PPFA, its leader Ali Kerimli said that the main task of the party is to change the existing power.

Experts economists said the country entered the next stage of a rise in price, the prices will jump in all fields.


"Yeni Musavat"  stated that the former minister Nijat Guliyev,who is currently under arrest, does not  gives testimony. His cousin, the head of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (NAR), Vasif Talibov , can not do anything to release Nijat Guliyev.

Hundreds of staff of  "Çround Handling Company", a member of the company "Silk-Way", held a protest. They are protesting against the actions of the head of the  public service of airliners  Khalida Huseynova and her sisters Geychak Amirova that force employees to steal and abuse them.

Leader of " Musavat" Isa Gambar  has warned  that if serious reforms  do not begin before Novruz Bayram, the party will call for a boycott of the European Games to be held in Baku in 2015.

If the Iranian and Libyan oil  come to the world market , the oil will be  much cheaper, which is very unprofitable for Azerbaijan.


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