Press Review 08.10.2016

The meeting of presidents of Russia, Azerbaijan and Iran in Baku, the true impact of the election on the life of the country and the people, and the rise in price of the dollar deficit ,problems in the development of agriculture are  the leading topics of today's press.

The official newspaper "Azerbaijan" named historical a meeting  of the presidents of Azerbaijan, Russia and Iran in Baku. The author quotes Ilham Aliyev: "The tripartite format of the meeting is natural, because it is based on history, geography and our joint projects."

The subject of discussion was the draft of the Presidents of the North-South corridor, sharing pipes, the fight against terrorism. A special place was given to the Karabakh issue. Baku Declaration was signed after the meeting.

"Azadlig" published an article that talks about the elected and unelected government and the difference between these. Official Baku, citing the example of a country where stability is violated (Syria, Ukraine), wants to completely eliminate the chance of the peaceful change of power. The authorities want to make people think and be grateful for the  absence of armed conflicts in the country, it is much worse than the poverty and lack of rights.

"Echo" published an article entitled  "Cereal yields are lower than expected forecasts." Chairman of the Center for Sustainable Development Studies, Nariman Agayev, commenting on the news that the grain yield in Azerbaijan this year will be lower than in 2015, said that the crop area in Azerbaijan can  provide the 15  million of population with grain. The expert noted that the reduction of the grain will not affect the cost of bread, since reserves will last for at least three to four months. Do not forget that this year the price of Russian grain  dropped significantly. Azerbaijan will be able to compensate it at the expense of the Kazakh and Russian grain.

Meanwhile, we already know that the grain harvest in Azerbaijan continues to decline as we approach the end of the harvest. According to the State Statistics Committee,  for  August 1  in the country were collected  2801.489 thousand tons of grain. Yields fell from 30.5 quintal  per hectare in 2015 to 29.7 quintals.

Total in the country for grain  are allotted 961.555 thousand hectares  against 851.375 thousand hectares a year earlier. On 1 August 2016 the harvest was collected  from 98% of the area. The reason for reducing the crop is the weather,  according to  experts. In Azerbaijan, this year in the period from 5 July to 20 August, the drought will continue. This weather will be observed in the Kur-Araz lowland - in Saatli, Sabirabad, Salyan, Bilasuvar, Kurdamir, Imishli, Neftchala regions in Gobustan and Absheron peninsula.

"New Times" published an article entitled "What provokes dollar deficit?" which talks about why there is a shortage of dollar and what it is. Stabilization of the financial market is not visible.

Banks once again observed a shortage of cash dollars. Many banks have restricted the sale of up to $500. However, the sale of dollars to banks from the Petroleum Fund and the Central Bank does not stop even for a day.

Dollarization of the economy may also be another reason for the lack of cash. The longer the Cabinet delays the implementation of anti-crisis measures, the faster our economy will slide into recession and stagnation.

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