Press Review 09/15/2016

The development of education in the country, attitude to unfair judgments, bad loans, and the high cost of foods in the market are the leading topics of today's press.

The official newspaper Azerbaijan writes about the success of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in the educational projects ‘New Schools for Renewed Azerbaijan,’ ‘Boarding Schools Development Program,’ ‘Truth about Nagorno-Karabakh Worldwide,’ and ‘Support to Education.’

The first steps in this direction were made in 2005 - 132 new schools were put into operation. In addition, access of children with poor or limited eyesight to information and communication technologies was secured. Over the past 10 years the country has built more than 300 new schools, kindergartens, etc.

The website writes about the oath of judges and trampled justice, citing the opinion of the lawyer Fariz Namazly with respect to the judicial system. In particular, the criticism is exposed to the Baku Court of Grave Crimes. He believes the judges work completely forgetting about the judicial oath. The lawyer gives concrete examples of unfair verdicts.

According to him, the improvement of the judicial system does not mean the construction of new buildings for courts. Judges are not corrected by any seminars or trainings.

Novoye Vremya has published an article titled Why Is Everything so Complicate?, which refers to the increase in problem loans.

The average annual interest rate on manat credits rose by 1.6% in July and was 5.90% as of August 1. For foreign currency loans it rose by 0.77% to 5.11%, according to a Central Bank report. When the Central Bank raised interest rates for the first time for commercial banks, it became clear that the commercial banks will go the same way and try to win the money back from the borrowers.

The higher the interest rates on interbank loans, the more difficult it will be for the borrowers to repay them.

Yesterday it became known that the number of ATMs in Azerbaijan reduced. No one says the reason, but it is obvious that the queues in front of ATMs will increase.

Bizim Yol writes that foods are sold at exorbitant prices from Azerbaijani shops. The author believes the reason for the high prices is monopoly. With the rise of the dollar, the prices also rise, but they do not fall with the fall of the dollar.

The author notes that, along with imported foods, local foods are also rapidly becoming more expensive. Azersun Holding continues the instability in prices. The author refers to specific prices for oil and butter, which constantly grow.

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