Press Review 22/04/14

Official press writes about the visit of Prime Minister of Cambodia to Azerbaijan and his meeting with Ilham Aliyev.

First distributed were data on the number and locations of car parks (total of 76) in Baku.


Azadlig writes about baseless accusations of espionage in favor of Armenia by the journalist Rauf Mirgadirov.

A year after the appointment of the Minister of Education Mikail Jabbarov he has not been able to start effective reforms.

Executive power has started new demolition in the Sabail district of the capital.

The arrested colonel of the armed forces Gasim Guliyev is accused of taking bribes.

Ganja has prohibited buses refillable with gas.


Express writes about the visit of Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov to Moscow and the visit of the Minister of Defense of Kazakhstan to Baku.

In the capital of the Russian Federation the Foreign Minister is going to join the meeting of the five littoral states and to discuss the status of the Caspian Sea.

The Second Global Forum of joint companies in Baku is going to gather ex- presidents and other prominent political figures from 54 countries.

The International Society of Turkish Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Azerbaijan (TUSIAB) considers itself as separate from the persecution of the Nursism movement.


Bizim Yol writes about the trial of the Chairman of the Election Monitoring and Democracy Training Center, Anar Mammadov. The lawyer demanded his release because of innocence, but the judge rejected the request.

In Turkey, the Russian owner of the holding AST Telman Ismailov is accused of not returning a bank loan.


Echo writes about the 2.5-time decline of the rail passenger transport in 2005-2013.

There is a new trend in consumer lending – the loan amount is reduced, and the number of loans is growing.

In the years 2005-2013 the ​​catering sector grew 9.2 times - an annual turnover of 700 million manat.


Zerkalo writes about the started joint struggle of Turkey and Azerbaijan against the new wave of the myth of the "Armenian genocide."

The columnist Rauf Mirgadirov has been writing about unsubstantiated claims of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh for many years and Azerbaijani authorities accuse him of espionage for Armenia.

U.S. media report about the dangers of Russia for independent Azerbaijan.


Yeni Musavat

 The parents of the arrested leaders of the youth movement NIDA started a hunger strike and the state of some of them is worse.

The head of the Turkish educational institutions network Chag Oyretim, Anver Ozeren and the Caucasus University Rector Ahmed Sanic may be deported from Azerbaijan due to the spread of Nursism.

 The Musavat party leader Isa Gambar called democratic society to unite because of the threat of the Russian invasion. -0 -

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