Press Review for 8/23/12


Official and pro-government newspapers report on awarding medals to employees of the state special protection service and on the publication of the three-volume book by Ilham Aliyev in Kyrgyzstan.

Independent and opposition press talks about who will represent Azerbaijan at the Tehran summit, Russia's policy in the Caucasus, the situation with banks, the preparation of the ruling family for the upcoming presidential election, and the ceremony of the anniversary of the death of Elchibey.


Yeni Musavat


A verdict against the Azerbaijani writers Farid Hussein and Shahriyar Hajizadeh will be announced in Iran on September 7. 

Arzu Huseynov, 34, charged with robbery died at the police station of the Zardob district. Officially, he died of a disease.

The chief ideologue of the authorities, Ali Hasanov said the allegations of the poisoning of Elchibey should be investigated by prosecutors as Elchibey was not an ordinary citizen.

The life of imprisoned Elnur Seyidov, the brother-in-law of the PFPA leader, Ali Kerimli is in danger. The lawyer said the application for transfer of the defendant to the hospital had not been met.

The Deputy Tax Minister S. Mammadkhanov has appropriated a large sum belonging to the firm Arif-50. The money was allegedly aimed at Eurovision.

President Ilham Aliyev will not take part in the Tehran summit of the Non-Aligned Movement.

138 million manat was allocated to bleach the facades of buildings in the capital. This is two times more than the funds allocated to the agricultural sector in 2011.

Residents of a cantonment in Nakhchivan are forcibly evicted. They were told on behalf of Vasif Talibov that those who refused would be placed in a psychiatric hospital.




Elchibey’s son-in-law Aghil Samadbayli has moved to Turkey.

The building renovated near the Heydar Aliyev Center a year ago has been completely demolished. The residents believe that the authorities either want to extend the area of the Center, or to provide so-called security.




Thirteen avenues in Baku are being renovated, which has severely restricted the traffic and created kilometers-long traffic jams.


Baki Khabar


The volume of lending in the first half of 2012 amounted to 10 billion 824.3 million manat. The share of Baku accounted for 87% or 9,436.1 million manat.







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