STP Calls on Authorities to Respect Fundamental Principles of Human Freedom

Civil Society Platform (STP) of Azerbaijan called on the authorities to respect the fundamental principles of human freedom and give up the pressure on civil society and its activists.

At the June 18 meeting STP condemned the police intrusion into the private publishing house Ganun, police confiscation of flyers dedicated to the birthday of the leader of the movement REAL Ilgar Mammadov, as well as eviction of Movement D18 from the leased office. The Platform members also condemned the pressure on the families of youth activists who express criticism of the authorities.

The meeting exchanged views on the situation of NGOs and ways out of the crisis of the non-governmental sector. It was decided to carry out further research of the situation of NGOs and the preparation of legislative and other initiatives to create a healthy atmosphere for the activities of NGOs in accordance with international standards and commitments of the Azerbaijani government.    -0-

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