Фото из открытых источников

Фото из открытых источников

Traffic police has reminded the drivers the changes in the rules for passing the mandatory technical inspection of cars in Azerbaijan.

Rufat Guliyev, the head of the department of the Main Directorate of the State Traffic Police, in an interview to the Azertaj state agency reported that according to the decree signed by the President on June 29, 2018 on amendments to the Law on Road Traffic, the obligatory technical inspection was canceled, the period of Mandatory technical inspection for each car is determined within 20 days after the expiration of the last day of the term of the last Mandatory technical inspection. If within 20 days after the expiration of the last term, the vehicle does not undergo a new inspection, the driver will be considered a lawbreaker, his vehicle is detected during road traffic using special means, and an electronic decision on administrative penalty is automatically applied to the owner. The driver gets another 20 days for technical inspection, in case of failure to conduct technical inspection during this period, the person will again be brought to administrative responsibility with the provision of a new 20-day period, and so on.

The traffic police remind that the car that did not pass technical inspection in time is detected remotely by the technical means of the traffic police.

The owner of the car has the right to contact the Diagnostic Center of the Main Directorate of the State Traffic Police before the expiration date of the previous inspection, but then the period for the next vehicle delivery for technical inspection will begin from the moment of the last technical inspection.

Previously, inspection was carried out in certain months, depending on the country - the manufacturer of the car. As a result, the Diagnostic Center of the Main Directorate of the State Traffic Police was full of cars waiting for inspection, or was empty if during this period the owners were not required to submit cars for inspection.

The second novelty of the law is the abolition of the duty of drivers to stick on the windshield a paper certificate on technical inspection. Now, after the car inspection, an electronic ticket will be drawn up, compiled by the Central Information System of the Main Directorate of the State Traffic Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The electronic ticket is immediately sent to the ASAN ödəniş system, which places it in an electronic account created on an informational Internet resource for each vehicle owner, and sends it to the vehicle owner"s e-mail, if it has such mail.

A certificate of passing through inspection on paper can be issued to the driver if he wishes.

The third news is the opportunity given to drivers to correct a technical malfunction identified in the Technical Center of the traffic police without penalizing it for using a vehicle in disrepair. If malfunctions were found during the inspection, the car owner is notified and recommended to eliminate them. If during the passage of the next technical inspection the malfunctions have not been eliminated, an electronic certificate of technical inspection is not made.

Another novelty was the rule about the possibility of compulsory technical inspection only after paying administrative fines to drivers.

Part of the law on the maintenance period remains unchanged depending on the year of production of the cars. In accordance with the Law on Road Traffic, buses, trucks with a maximum authorized weight of more than 3.5 tons, etc. must be inspected once a year, other cars and trucks - after four years from the date of production - once every two years, after ten years from the date of production - once a year.

Turan has repeatedly published articles on the need to reform the procedure for carrying out mandatory vehicle inspection to eliminate the corrupt opportunities of traffic police officers and facilitate inspection procedures for car owners. The publication of November 23, 2018 "Azerbaijan needs a techno-center" http://www.turan.az/ext/news/2018/11/free/Social/ru/76878.htm indicated that under the existing terms of inspection, there are Diagnostic Centers of the Main Directorate of the State Traffic Police do not allow inspection of the entire fleet.

In reality, with the existing state of affairs, about 5% of motor vehicles pass inspection. That is, in general, technical inspection is formal in nature and creates conditions for corruption. The article proposed to change the order of inspection, allowing private repair centers to conduct mandatory technical inspection. This innovation allows you to quickly pass inspection near the residence of the driver. Currently, residents of Baku are forced to travel to the Diagnostic Center of the Main Directorate of the State Traffic Police located in Zabrat. And car owners living in the provinces are required to go to regional technical centers for inspection.

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