The ex-wife of a police general is accused of stealing

  Baku Serious Crimes Court chaired by Afgan Hajiyev  at the  trial in the case  of Gulnara Shekinskaya, the former wife of Emin  Shekinsky, the chief of the  head of the Investigation Department  of the Interior Ministry. She and others are accused of stealing 60,000 manats from Emin’s Home.

According to the indictment, Gulnara Shekinskaya, her children - Nadia, Maryam, Hamida and Javair  left the country with false documents. A group of individuals accused of using forged documents (320.1) helped them.

Gulnara  Shekinskaya is charged under Article 318.2 (illegal border crossing) and theft (177) of the Criminal Code.

Another accused is a human rights activist Alovsat Aliyev, who heads the Center for Legal Assistance to Migrants. He is accused of helping the family when going abroad.

Alovsat Aliyev himself, who now lives in Germany, t in his interview to newspaper "Azadlig" reported that Gulnara Shekinskaya  appealed to him on January 2014. She reported that her ex-husband wants to forcibly take away her children. Human rights groups say the existence of evidence that Emin Shekinsky tortured ex-wife. She was under  police surveillance, and she even was forcibly taken to a psychiatric hospital. Alovsat Aliyev confirmed that  he helped Gulnara Shekinskaya  to move to Georgia in April 2014.

As for the charges of stealing money, it is a lie, said Alovsat Aliyev.

"We had no money Sheki. This money belonged to Gulnara and were given to her for the demolished apartment around the Flag Square. Gulnara put them in the bank. She is very educated, honest and religious woman.

Aliyev does not regret having helped the woman and her children "to escape from slavery."

After that, Alovsat Aliyev’s relatives were also subjected to pressure. "Employees of the Office for the fight against organized crime, without any foundation attracted my brothers and sisters to the investigation. They tried to forcibly  take my wife and little daughter, who have to  hide in different relatives.  There is an oral instruction not to let my family out of the country. However, I solved this problem " the Azerbaijani way." I was able to  take my family to Tbilisi and then take out to Germany," said Alovsat Aliyev.

Turan's attempts to get a comment from the General himself or  in the press service of the Interior Ministry were futile. -03B04-

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