Vahid İmanlı

Vahid İmanlı

Baku/12.26.20/Turan:  A journalist from Yardimli  region,  Jamil Zabitov filmed and sent to Turan videos of his conversations with the father of a volunteer soldier Taleh Imanov, who was seriously wounded in Fizuli. The family lives in the village of Dagustu, Yardimli region, in an old, dilapidated house. The only breadwinner was the son of Vahid Imanli, who worked in Baku for 200-300 manats a month. According to Jamil, he sent the proceeds to the village to his father and grandmother; they lived on this money, since there is no work in Yardimly. The people in Yardimli live on the proceeds from pets and in the garden.

On September 27, 2020, the Patriotic War for Karabakh began, and Vahid Imanli went to the front. They brought him from the front to the hospital, immobilized. An Armenian bullet flew into his right side, injuring his spine. The fighter lies, cannot control the body. He is being treated in a Baku military hospital. The prospects for his full recovery are dim. In one of the videos, Vahid appeals to the local authorities and asks to help his father and grandmother, who are now completely without funds.

The father of the wounded man, Taleh, also addressed. In the video, he thanks the president and the government of Azerbaijan for the fact that his son is treated for free, and the state has liberated Karabakh. He has no complaints about the central government. Taleh Imanov is dissatisfied with the executive power of the Yardimli region, says that he went to Baku three times to see his son, and borrowed money from the villagers for the trip; but he cannot repay the debt to him. He turned to the local  executive power  with a request for help, he was given 300 manats, and that was all.

The grandmother of the war veteran receives 130 manat pension, there is no earnings in the family, the son has now become a war invalid. The Imanovs feel abandoned; they say that the authorities of the Yardimli region are not interested in them. When Taleh went to complain to the military commissariat, they objected to him, saying that there were 500 such wounded in the region, how could they help them all?

The official website of the Yardimli District Executive Power contains excerpts from the legislation on state aid to war invalids and families of martyrs. The documents required for registration are indicated; the amounts of one-time and monthly payments and pensions are reported. The state has undertaken the obligation to provide war invalids with cars free of charge and to improve housing conditions.

Payments, cars and apartments will be issued in the future, just like in case with the  invalids of the 1992-1994 Karabakh war received this assistance. Families of invalids of the last war need money for living now. The cost of medicines  is up  to 500 manats, some families are sick with coronavirus. Without medication, COVID patients die. Where can they get so much money for living and medicine if their husbands and sons returned from the war as disabled invalids whose treatment has not been completed?

Turan contacted the head of the territorial administration of the Executive Power of Yardimli region, Shujayat Ibishev. He knows the Imanov family and maintains a telephone connection with the wounded soldier and his father.  The Executive Power once issued 300 manat aid to his father, and is ready to give more, he only needs to apply to Taleh with an application,” Ibishev said. When the weather improves, the local authorities will resolve the family's complaint and install a new electric pole next to the house, removing the rickety old one. “The executive power of the region, following the instructions of the head of the IV, keeps under control the financial situation of all 110 military invalids in Yardimli. We help these families financially by allocating funds from the regional government budget. Work with the population will continue. If possible, complaints from residents are satisfied,” he told Turan.

It is obvious that the state needs to take care of urgent and substantial assistance to this category of citizens. There are almost no rich people among the participants in the war; almost all are poor people, who have now also lost the ability to earn money. Until they wait for the payments listed in the legislation, they need to survive somehow in the  country-winner. –0—


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