The investigation in the case of Amiraslanov completes with serious violations


The investigation has officially announced the completion of the investigation on the illegal possession of weapons and ammunition by Ilham Amiraslanov, the villager of  Askerbeyli  in Sabirabad region.


Amiraslanov is one of the  activists of the “Kura” civil society , which protects the rights of  the victims of the floods and fights corruption associated with the elimination of the consequences of flooding.

 The lawyer Samir Isayev said Turan, that he became acquainted with the materials of preliminary investigation.  There were a lot of inconsistencies, especially in the records, and the testimonies of witnesses. It was found that on June 8, the day of  the detention of Amiraslanov, when he was beaten by men in plain clothes  and police officers, the decision on a medical examination was not made.  It was appointed by the Prosecutor  Vusal Salekhov much later than the required deadlines. On this occasion,  petition were sent to the  investigation organs , but  none of them was supported. 


Neither the suspect Amiraslanov,  nor his lawyer are  familiar with the text of the decision the investigation, even though it supposedly was sent by mail. Now   the indictment  to Amiraslanov  is expected, and  the case will sent to the Sabirabad d regional court. Isayev believes that  if there is not a political order, his client has every chance to refute the concocted charges. Especially,  the day before he told that he made a confession under torture.


Amiraslanov was arrested  on June 8 on charges of possession of a pistol "Makarov" and ammunition.  He  was changed under the Article 228.1 of the Criminal Code (possession, possession of firearms and ammunition). It involves the punishment of hard labor for up to two years or imprisonment up to three years.


But the real reason for  Amiraslanov’s arrest  he called the  activity  in the “ Kura” civil society, in connection with the protection of the rights of the people  in Aran the region affected by floods in 2010.


Ilham Amiraslanov wrote after arrest   about it in his complaint to Kamal Gilidjev, the chief of the General Prosecutor Office for investigation and surveillance investigations in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


    Amiraslanov was arrested on June 8 near the village of Askerbeyli in Sabirabad region, when he returned home from the pharmacy. He was attacked by several police officers and the representatives of the Office for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; they put a bag on his head, and put him into a car.


On the way, the detective, by the name Sayid, put some object between his body and the belt. At the same time Amiraslanov was inflicted several blows on the head.


The detainee was taken to Sabirabad Olympic complex, where he was tied to a chair and beaten on his head, on which was a bag.


    Then, in the presence of the chief Nadir, they have seized from Amiraslanov an object planted in a car, and the object turned out to be a gun. This moment was filmed on video.


   First Amiraslanov was forced to admit that the gun was given to him by his brother. Amiraslanov’s words, that the gun was planted in the car, angered Sayid, and he began to beat the detainee.


    Amiraslanov then took to the office of the deputy police of Sabirabad region Rauf Medjidov, where they again filmed "taking the gun." They continued to beat Amiraslanov, and threaten to put him on a bottle, if he does not give a confession.


   Amiraslanov was forced to confess that he had found a gun two months ago, on the banks of the Araz River, where he pastured cattle.


    The Amiraslanov said that he "must give five rounds." When asked where he will take them, he was told that the cartridges will throw in the basement of his house. On the same day Amiraslanov was brought home, and found in the basement of his house five cartridges in a plastic bag.


    In his statement Amiraslanov wrote that ad a result of the violence, his eardrum was damaged, he cannot hear, and suffers form great pain.


  He also has severe pain in heart. He asked for an urgent medical examination, a forensic examination and asked to investigate cases of torture.


 The Prosecutor Office conducted an investigation,  and said nothing on  its results.


Only after repeated complaints to  instances,  he was several times  examined  by the doctors Ministry of Justice, which found no effects of the beating. For example, in a letter to a lawyer Samir Isayev, the head of the Baku detention facility, Elhan Sadikhov and Acting Chief of Medina-sanitary  office of the  Baku  pre-trial prison, Gurban Huseinov, it was  noted formally in a letter (14.07.12. № 17/38-5329) :

- June 9, 2012. Medical examination on admission  of  Amiraslanov  to the Baku pre-trial prison  not any abnormalities on the body or any pathological changes were revealed.  Amiraslanov  was found almost healthy.

- June 28, 2012. Re-examination  did not reveal signs of torture on his body, and perforation of the ear.

- July 4, 2012. X-ray revealed no injuries of the chest Amiraslanov.

-11 July 2012. “Dry perforation of the tympanic membrane of the left ear” was found (the gap).

- July 28, 2012. A group of physicians representing the medical establishment and the center of penitentiary forensics service, confirmed the perforation of the eardrum ear.


And after all this, Prosecutor General Office officially announced  on August 1 that a violation of the tympanic membrane has a non-traumatic nature, and is the result of chronic illness, undergone in childhood.


The report states that  on July 11 , the Clinic of the Prison Service recorded " a point-type dry perforation of the tympanic membrane of the left ear" as a result of chronic non-traumatic origin, formed  in childhood until June 8, 2012.


But medical report dated 11.07.12 (№ 17/38-5329), which has the agency Turan, literally refers only to the following: There is a "dry perforation of the tympanic membrane of the left ear." And nothing is said about the origin of the perforation, which indicates the prosecutor's office in the medical report.


Khalil, brother of Amiraslanov, told Turan that Ilham  had never had an ear disease, and never complained of pain in the ear, prior to his arrest on June 8.


Recall that Amiraslanov was arrested on June 8, 4 days after the meeting with the Minister of Emergency Situations, Kamaleddin Heydarov, on resolution of the problems of flood victims in 2010. It was not the first meeting with the Minister. On June 24, 2010, the residents of the flooded villages,  blocked the road to Baku, opposing the plan for the resettlement in villages adjacent to the Kura River, in the desert. Then Heydarov came to  have negotiations, and  spoke  with Amiraslanov. After the resettlement plan was canceled. On May 5, 2011 a group of villagers Askerbeyli, Gasymbeyli and others, went to the motorcade of President Ilham Aliyev. The President met with them and listened to their complaints.  Amiraslanov also told with him. An hour after the meeting, the representative of the Ministry for Emergency Situations called   Amiraslanov , and  offered to meet to resolve their problems on the outskirts of the village  of Askerbeyli. Amiraslanov told the head of the “Kura” headquarters  when he went to the place  to meet with the men. There were two white  jeeps “Prado”  with tinted windows, of which the people went out, trying to grab him, but he  managed to escape the reeds. Later on it was constantly subjected a  psychological pressure.


On July 2, at a meeting with representatives of civil society, the head of Socio-Political Department of the Presidential Administration, Ali Hasanov,  said  that the case  of  Ilham Amiraslanov, arrested in Sabirabad region, will be considered at a high level. -16D-








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