Əfqan Sadıqov. Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Əfqan Sadıqov. Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/25.12.20/Turan: A preparatory meeting was held in the Sumgait Court of Appeal on December 25 on the case of the founder of the Azel.Tv website Afgan Sadigov, reported his wife Sevinj Sadigova.

According to her, the judge Nazim Movsumov did not satisfy the defense's petition, including the transfer of Sadigov to house arrest.

Consideration of the complaint on the merits is scheduled for January 21.

“By this decision, the judge actually doomed Afgan Sadigov to death. The man has been on hunger strike for 55 days demanding the cancellation of the unfair sentence of imprisonment. The appellate court could at least change the preventive measure. Afghan is not admirable in his demands and he may simply not live up to January 21,” Sadigova said.

* The head of Azel.TV, Afgan Sadigov, was arrested on charges of extortion through threats in May this year. On November 3, the court sentenced him to seven years in prison. Since November 4, he went on a hunger strike in protest, considering the sentence unfair.

Local human rights activists recognized him as a political prisoner. —06B03-


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