The Main Directorate for Combating Corruption Office does not inform about the most pressing facts of corruption

On Wednesday the Main Directorate for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General's Office held a press conference on the results of six months.  The  Head  of the Office, Kamran Aliyev, said that over this period 5150 appeals of citizens were considered. Lasuits were filed on  65 facts.

The "hot line" of the Office received 3414 complaints,  and  12 of them were prosecuted; 99 criminal cases against 158 ​​of the person  were completed and sent to the court;  33 cases related to the embezzlement, 30 - fraud, 13 - abuse of authority, 8 - the use of false documents, 3 - appropriation of power, 8 - accepting a bribe, 3 - neglect of official duty.

The total loss  on the above mentioned  cases  is 94, 895,000 manats. During the investigation of this amount was paid 30, 226,000 manats.

The Executive Secretary of the Commission on Combating Corruption Vusal Huseynov said that a bill "On the protection of persons reporting corruption"  has been prepared. According to him, this year the cases of corruption prevaile in the banking, construction sectors, the agricultural sector, in health care and education.

During the first half to the courts  ere sent  lawsuits against 30 people from the banking system, 11 – from the private sector, and 11- in the trade.

Responding the question from Turan whether the activities of the State Concern AZAL will be inspected, Kamran Aliyev said  no complaints on the subject  were received.

He also stressed that the State Concern have made  conclusions from the President's speech, and lowered the price  for tickets.

Speaking about embezzlement of loans in the International Bank, Aliyev said that the case is investigated by the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime Ministry of Internal Affairs, but the prosecutors are also involved there. "In the case if corruption facts are revealed  the legal assessment will be given," Aliyev promised, but he refused to disclose the number and the amount of bad loans in the Interbank.

Asking the question about the investigation  the case on land grabbing and illegal construction in the park "Friendship",  Aliyev said that the prosecutor's office does  consider this issue.

Vusal Huseynov could not answer the question when  the application of the  financial disclosure statements will begin. "We are too late in this issue," he said.

In 2005 the head of state said that  he  instructed  to develop declaration  on  income, but that did not happen. -03C04-

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