What Do Summer Examinations Promise?

Baku / 25.05.18 / Turan: The spring tour of entrance examinations to higher and secondary special educational institutions of the country has come to the end in Azerbaijan. Tests for I-IV groups of specialties were held on May 13 and 20.

As Turan was told in the press service of the State Examination Center (SEC), of the 69,000 applicants who received admission to the exams, 68,356 people took part in them. The greatest number of examiners was for Groups I and III, which characterizes the increased interest of young people in technical and humanitarian professions.

According to the results, 10 entrants scored the maximum of 700 points: Group I - 2 people, Group II - the same number, Group III - 5 people, and Group IV - one.

This year, the country's universities have been allocated 45,159 planned places, which are 2,303 units, or 5.3% higher than last year's figure. In Group I there are 14,385 vacancies, in Group II - 13,395, in Group III - 10,671, in Group IV - 3,315 and in Group V - 3,393 places. The growth occurred in all groups: on technical specialties (in comparison with the last year) - 580 more, and on economic specialties - 471 more.

There is noticeable "increase" for Group III - 9.2%, or 902 places. On Group IV there are 95 places more, and on Group V there are 255 more.

And now let us consider the division by points, so as to simulate the competitive situation at this stage. According to the SEC, a total of 35,671 applicants scored between 200 and 700 points.

If we take into account that the planned places are much larger, it turns out that all these young people have chances to enter. According to Group I, 12,338 applicants scored sufficient points and claimed 14,384 places.

In Group II the number of applicants for 13,394 seats is 8,750 people.

According to Group III, 10,973 entrants scored the sufficient 200 and higher points, and they quite realistically expect to enroll in 10,671 places.

And finally, according to Group IV, 3,610 young men and women apply for 3,315 places, having successfully passed the exam.

As it can be seen, the situation is clearly developing in favor of entrants, and in some cases there is even a shortage of them. At first glance, even with a minimum of 200 points, you can become a student of, if not BSU, University of Languages ​​or Academy of Public Administration under the President, then Ganja Agrarian University, always experiencing a shortage of students, for sure. It is possible that the SEC will reduce passing scores, as it did in previous years, to enable the HEIs to fulfill the admission plan.

However, the SEC experts advise not to force the events and not to make forecasts on the admission rates for certain groups.

"It is too early to talk about a real contest for groups of specialties. The current situation could change dramatically in July, when the next stage of the entrance examinations will take place. Since May 17 reception of documents for participation in these examinations has been declared.

Both new participants and those who scored certain points in the May testing and have decided to improve their results can participate in the exams. It is likely that participants in the competitive stage will be significantly more. "By the way, last year almost 80% of applicants who passed the spring exams took part in the summer stage of the campaign," the source stressed.

There is another important point: this year applicants have been given the opportunity to participate not only both in the spring and summer admission exams, but also to pass tests on different groups of specialties - for two or even three groups. For example, the entrant of the first group can take part in the second exam on the IV or V group (if in the V group he had previously passed a creative contest) of specialties.

The entrant of the second group can pass the exam for the third group in July. Therefore, a person will have several results. Depending on the points scored, he can participate in three competitions at once, but he will be enrolled in the university for the first, second or third specialties indicated in the application.

So, a time-out has been announced in the intellectual marathon. Time has been given for reflection, assessment of the chances of success, and decision-making about participation in new trials.-0--

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