What happened in  jail N13?

The National Preventive Group visited the jail N 13, where in the last week, according to some sources, there was a conflict between prisoners and warders.   The report of the ombudsman  office reads that members of the group held private meetings with the prisoners. It was found that there were not cases of  violence by the administrators over  prisoners. Messages on this topic are not true,  reads the report. However, it is also read that the prosecutor's office filed a lawsuit.

It is not reported on what  case the lawsuit had ben filed, and  it is not clear why tofile it if notnings has happened.

A number of media  reported about deployemnt of special forces in jail N 13 after two prisoners were beaten by guards, and it caused a riot among the other prisoners. The same sources reported that prisoners Emin Alizadeh and Elvin Mahmudov were taken to the jail called  "Tubzona", where the conditions are  extremely intollerable. -36d-

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