Chingiz Huseynov and Rustam Ibrahimbeyov defend Leyla Yunus

Known cultural figures - writer Chingiz Huseynov and screenwriter Rustam Ibrahimbeyov sent to the agency Turan their address in the context of violence against Leyla Yunus. The address is given below.

"I join the protest for the protection of Leyla Yunus, and yes I want my voice to be heard too!

I cannot be silent, what's going on is a tyranny of the authorities, cruelty to human rights defenders known in the world, already not young Leyla Yunus and her husband, whom they continue to keep in prison.

Alas, I should resort to the obvious: in a normal society and normal state there are other, more civilized methods of isolating a person before the trial than detention, if the person is charged with something.

  But the arrest does not mean that the man is adrift, that he can be beaten with impunity, mocked and degraded.

This is what happens to Leyla Yunus, which does not cause me any doubt, for such is the logic of the system of lawlessness.

Do they not really remember a great saying: "Do not promise from the scrip and the prison," whoever you maybe today - ordinary clerk or even the president.

I am ashamed of my fellow countrymen!

How long will the international community be teased with their inhuman acts? "

Chingiz Huseynov, 26 September 2014.

"I am shocked with monstrous facts of physical violence against Leila Yunus in prison. I am ashamed for my country. What happens to us?

Trampling down a long path of our historical development, we slipped into the medieval norms of existence. Authorities imprison people that devoted their life to protecting the rights of their fellow citizens, and even in prison they are deprived of the basic rights of a prisoner.

Violence against Leyla Yunus is a conscious abuse of power over all who have a conscience and a sense of responsibility for the country in which they live.

I join all the decisions of the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of the respected Leyla Khanum. I bitterly regret not being able to do anything more."

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