My dear Arif!
You and I often read novels about political prisoners who could see the sky only from the jail. And now every day I look through the bar to the sky.
I always remember my grandfather. His three brothers we victims of Stalin repression. He also looked at sky through the bar.
Remember, when you asked for the permission to marry me I took you to my grandfather’s grave? Then you said me that you understood that we always will be together...
You always understand everything more quilckly and clearer that I...
I always think here: who is more unluky –prisoners in Stalin camp, or in Hitler camp?
I camer to the conclusion that the prisoners in Stalin jail were the most unhappy!
Prioners in Hitler camp knew that there was a war, and Hitler was defeted near Stalinqrad... But Stalin is for ever...
Today, the war in Ukraine has fully freed Aliyev regime’s hand. Arrests during the presidency of Azerbaijan to the Council of Europe have clearly demonstrated the failure of the Council of Europe and other international organizations in the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
I have been dealing with the problem of political prisoners for over 30 years, therefore I see well our position.
They will keep us in jail for more than a year till the circus, called the court, and then will sentense us to 10 years of imprisonment, and even more...
It was difficult to predict such things in Azerbaijan in the 21st century, but we have it.
I do not know how long you and I will be able to survive in jail, but every day I repeat these words by Hodasevich:
"The Wanderer goes leaning on a stick -
for some reason I remember you.
A carriage rides on the red wheels -
for some reason I remember you.
In the evening, the lamp is lit in the corridor -
for some reason I remember you.
Whatever happens on land, at sea or in the sky -
I will always remember you"
Your Leyla

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