Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

On 20 December, residents of the capital shared on social media the crush that was observed around 9 am.  At that time, many residents are eager to get to work in the city centre, as well as thousands of students at the Oil Academy. Adding to their number are those hurrying to the railway station and leaving for the country's regions or for the suburban electric trains.

A similar situation also occurs in the evening when people finish work and classes.

There are several reasons for this situation: intervals between trains are too long, escalators are extremely slow and people are involuntarily delayed on their way out.  Finally, the three central metro stations, including "28 May", were originally built very small and during the rush hour passengers simply do not fit there.

Such a situation will sooner or later lead to tragic consequences, and people with fragile hearts and children being the first to suffer. A crush on the platform could also cause passengers to fall onto the rails.

The problem requires radical solutions; however, ways out of the situation are not being seriously discussed. -0-

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