Power Transformation: Reality


- The steps taken recently by the government, and specifically, by the President, are favorably perceived by the majority of the society. There is an opinion that the government wants to open up. What do you think about that? Is it really so?

- The main thing is that the government is able to ensure on the basis of bills the activities of citizens, their right to choose and be elected, the right to be the masters of their state. It is difficult to do something only with reforms from above. Russia's history is full of examples of reform from above. Ivan Grozny, Alexander the Second, Peter the Great, Nikolay the First - they all carried out such reforms from above. And how did it end? Revolts, revolts, revolutions and so on. But in the end no result. Any reform must have support from the bottom, the people must be brought. And the government does not want the people to attract, because if you give the people a little bit of the right word, he will first of all say that he"s stolen enough. And this is unacceptable for the ruling elite. Therefore, in order to slow down a bit of anger, to extend its power, some steps of openness are being taken. Sometimes they are taken to reduce the pressure of the West. And these last measures are taken at the request of the West. They are trying to do something and take advantage of it.

-The last steps taken by the authorities are connected with the rally in defense of Mehman Huseynov, an opposition rally on January 19. Do you think this is so?

-First, the cancellation of the second criminal case against Mehman Huseynov took place mainly after the harsh influence of the West. As for the rally on January 19, about 7-8 thousand people gathered there. "Mehsul" Stadium was full. What is the possibility of this mass to influence political processes? Why did the authorities have to be afraid of 7-8 thousand people, if among them were people of power, the police? The slogan "Freedom to Mehman Huseynov" was logical, and which of the other mottos were real? The implementation of which of these mottos was in the interests of the people gathered? I remember how in 1988-1989 we held meetings on Azadlig Square with the participation of 70-80 thousand people. They had an impact, since the process went on in general throughout the Union. In addition, large foreign forces participated in the collapse of the USSR, which provided support. In addition, there was a fierce struggle inside the mafia. They wanted to overthrow the government and take it into their own hands. Then there were those factors. What factors are there now? Power is in the hands of an organized clan. Places of clans are defined. They are natives from Nakhchivan and Armenia. Someone"s share was cut, and dissatisfied. However, neither Mutallibov, nor Vezirov is in power. Ilham Aliyev does not want to let go of such great wealth as Azerbaijan. The rally is not a bad deal, but they could take some real steps for the people. First, it is necessary to get rid of people stained, cooperation with the authorities, stained by betrayal of the elements. Finally, in some of the days will have to form power. We need to actually deal with democratic, legal procedures. For the past 16-17 years, I have been watching it. Until now, the opposition was not ready for any elections. The opposition went to the elections with excessive demands, unprepared. Frames involved in the elections had zero knowledge of them. They reassured themselves that their rally had frightened the authorities, forcing them to back down. The policy of the authorities is significant and decisive, because it does not want to let Azerbaijan out of their hands. Oil is an income; gas is also, money is extracted from everything. Everything is in their hands - banks, industry. What is the basis of the opposition, on what finances, on which intellect, threatening the authorities? Yes, this power is weak, but in order to win it, one must use the factors that the power does not have - loyalty to the people, intellect. True, I do not think that the traditional opposition has it.

- There is an opinion that the authorities are preparing for new elections. If to believe what they are writing, then early parliamentary elections may be held. The authorities are taking these steps to gain authority and the electorate. Is this version logical? Can new elections be held?

- For 30 years, since 1993, after Heydar Aliyev came to power, citizens' rights were consistently and regularly restricted; the power subordinating the will of all to the will of one person reached the point of transition from authoritarianism to totalitarianism. What is going on, that they are suddenly scared and want to launch a pre-election rally with the people? Who says a miracle happened? Will they hold fair and transparent elections? What voter opinions will actually be taken into account? In this case, will there be a need for the trust and faith of the people? Never. A competition will be held at the Presidential Administration. Lists of all candidates will be submitted to the president. This list will contain 50, and maybe 70 percent of people who have proven their loyalty to the president. Other candidates will be discussed separately. These will try to prove their loyalty by their greed, ignorance. If some deputy from this list is elected, but subsequently changes his position, then the fate of Huseyn Abdullayev awaits him. What was done to him? He is now under arrest.

-There are also those who link the actions of the president with intra-power differences. There is an opinion that the president is trying to position himself as a leader, an initiator, as a party that can influence the competition of groups. Moreover, depending on the situation, he feels the need to support the people. Is there really a disagreement in intra-government groups and these conversations can go beyond the circle?

- Disagreement within the authorities can only be the question of who and what proportion will get. There is no disagreement on other issues. Well, disagreements on the issue of sharing are natural. At any time, this was the case. The state apparatus is subject to the orders of Ilham Aliyev. It is possible that some minister will be out of control. However, above them there is a master. Yet, and they will not want to change such a moderate head of state, like Ilham Aliyev, to some unknown person.

- In which case you can see the full political transformation? Will we see it soon? According to some analysts, recent measures are an interpretation and in a short period, everything will continue.

- For transformation, for democratic changes, I see one way. This is when an organized people or some kind of strong party reaches what they want. Then we can talk about political transformation. For example, Saakashvili was the mayor of Tbilisi. Chair of the City Council. His party won many votes during the parliamentary elections. In Armenia, the Yerevan clan suffered from the Karabakh clan. When street actions began there, all public figures said that the protest of the people must be reassured. They stated to Serzh Sargsyan that they do not support his policy of using force. After that, Serge Sargsyan told the people that he was wrong, and Nikol Pashinyan is right, I am leaving. This is impossible with us. Nikol Pashinyan walked around the cities and villages of Armenia for about a month. Can someone walk with us in cities and villages? Can it be a live broadcast? He will be immediately eliminated. It is impossible. The ruling class of Azerbaijan is much tougher and more ruthless.

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