Azerbaijan to Celebrate 200th Anniversary of Settlement of Germans

The Head of State Ilham Aliyev issued a decree on the 200th anniversary of the settlement of the Germans in the South Caucasus.

Mutual respect and reverence for the national values ​​of each other is the main feature that characterizes the cultural relations of the Azerbaijani and German peoples. German scientists in Oriental Studies have made an important contribution to familiarizing the scientific world with the monuments of literary art of the Azerbaijani people, and German architects have made a valuable contribution to the urban planning culture in Azerbaijan.

In 2017, the 200th anniversary of the creation of German settlements in the South Caucasus will be celebrated. It is commendable that this event left a deep mark on the history and culture of the Azerbaijani people and has been included in the Programme of Anniversaries of Outstanding Personalities and Important Events for 2016-2017 by UNESCO.

In order to meet adequately the 200th anniversary of the German settlements in Azerbaijan the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Academy have been instructed to prepare a special program of events.

Recall that 200,000 ethnic Germans lived in compact in the regions of Shamkhor, Khanlar, Goygol and Terter. Almost all of them were deported to Siberia and Kazakhstan by Stalin after the Second World War broke out. -02D-

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