Namazov: With this command Aliyev will not take the country  out of crisis

The past 2016 year was the controversial. On the one hand, the Azerbaijani army has shown its superiority in Karabakh and the ability to liberate the country. On the other hand, Azerbaijan has deepened economic and social crisis, and the government does not demonstrate the ability to resolve the situation, said in an interview with the program Cətin sual ( "Difficult question"), the former assistant to the president of Azerbaijan, political scientist Eldar Namazov.

Referring to the April war, Namazov said that the success of the Azerbaijani army has changed the situation in the negotiations within the OSCE Minsk Group and in Armenia, as well as the international community's attitude to the conflict.

In 2017, important steps will be taken to phase out the settlement of the conflict, or if Armenia rejects this opportunity, Azerbaijan can liberate its lands in military way. Two large-scale military exercises with the participation of 60.000 personnel and all arms and services also showed military power of Azerbaijan.

Namazov called untenable the threats of Armenia to launch a missile attack on Baku.

On the other hand, the missile forces exercises in Nakhchivan showed that Azerbaijan is in retaliation to put dozens of missile strikes in Yerevan, located 40 km. Speaking about the economy, Namazov pointed to the government's inability to cope with the deepening socio-economic crisis. Ilham Aliyev's team is not able to carry out real reforms, and is only engaged in imitation.

According to Namazov, a group of leading civil society experts back in 2006 prepared a concept and program of reforms for the period until 2016. It said that it is important for a decade of spending hundreds of billions of petrodollars and the creation of a new economic model. And if this opportunity is not used, then the country will face a new deep crisis. "So it happened," said Namazov.

He expressed doubts about the feasibility of the success of the strategic roadmap of the country's economy, the realization of which requires 23 billion AZN. "With the current personnel and this approach the problem will not be solved, and it is impossible to find such amount of money," he said.

Namazov believes that it is necessary to start with the reform of customs and tax spheres, ensuring that there is complete transparency, which would increase budget revenues by 2-3 times. -03C06--

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