Naxçıvanda baş verənlər haqda naxçıvanlılar nə düşünür? – Həkimeldostu Mehdiyev Çətin sual qarşısında
Bakı/30.11.22/Turan: Naxçıvanda DTX-nın apardığı həbslər, məmurların həbsi, qurumların ləğvi, Muxtar Respublikanın Ali Məclisinin sədri Vasif Talıbovun yaxın ətrafının, qohumlarının həbsi və ya işdən atılması barədə yayılan məlumatlar barədə Naxçıvanda yaşayan jurnalist Həkimeldostu Mehdiyev Kamran Mahmudovun təqdimatında yayımlanan “Çətin sual” verilişində danışır.
Difficult question
The arrest of human rights defender Rufat Safarov, the state of human rights in the country after COP29, the attitude of international organizations and the West toward these developments, as well as the authorities' reaction, were discussed on the program "Complex Questions" by Azar Gasimli, head of the Institute of Political Management.
At an event held to mark International Human Rights Day, the embassies of the European Union, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland described the human rights situation in Azerbaijan as "appalling."
Public activist Famil Khalilov, a first-degree disabled individual with paralyzed arms, was transferred to house arrest after spending seven months in prison. On December 3, the Baku Court on Grave Crimes granted a motion by his lawyers to this effect.
The wave of protests in Tbilisi in front of the Georgian Parliament, with demands for the government's resignation, new elections, and reaffirmation of the country’s commitment to European integration, continues to escalate.
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