Saleh Rustamli: "Either I will be released, or I will released myself!"

Baku/06.12.21/Turan: Today is the 31st day of the hunger strike of the former head of the Executive Power of the Gadabay region Saleh Rustamli. Earlier, he said that from today he will start a dry hunger strike. Currently, his health is critical.

Rustamov's lawyers appealed to the Nizami district court with a request to release him from serving the remaining sentence for health reasons.

The lawyer Bahruz Bayramov and the prisoner's brother Taleh Rustamov spoke about  Saleh Rustamov’s health, as well as about the new appeal to the court in the program "Difficult Question".

According to Taleh Rustamov, the health of his brother, Salekh Rustamli, is extremely serious, he  is having pains, but he refuses to end the hunger strike. He threatens to start a dry hunger strike and refuse medication and medical examination. However, there is still hope that he will not resort to a dry hunger strike. But he was so weak that he could not stand the hunger strike. His condition may soon become incompatible with life.

According to the lawyer Bahruz Bayramov, his client Saleh Rustamov firmly decided that he would achieve freedom in any case - either he would be released or he would free himself, “getting rid of his mortal body”. Doctors say that Rustamli may die at any moment.

“According to Rustamli, some organs of his body are no longer functioning. But he refused to say which ones,” Bayramov said, adding that “Rustamli, in his statement to the management of the correctional institution regarding refusal to eat food, wrote that “he will either achieve release or die”.--0--


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