Tensions between Iran and Azerbaijan through the eyes of southern Azerbaijanis

Baku/03.02.23/Turan: A political observer living in Turkey, a native of South Azerbaijan, Muhammad Rahmanifar told about the attack on the Azerbaijani embassy in Tehran, about who authorized it, about the cause of tension in Iranian-Azerbaijani relations, about law enforcement agencies hunting for "Iranian agents", as well as about the refusal of the hierocratic regime to help residents South Azerbaijan after the earthquake in the "Difficult Question” program. According to him, Iran constantly lies.

“He discredited himself so much with his lies that they stopped disbelieving him, as the shepherd boy from the famous fable, who constantly deceived the inhabitants of his village, calling for help and shouting “Wolves! Wolves! Help!" And even if he tells the truth, everyone will doubt the veracity of what he said,” Rahmanifar said.

The observer recalled that not so long ago, in January 2020, the Iranian Air Force shot down a Ukrainian Boeing, which was flying Tehran-Kyiv.

“All the passengers and crew members on board were killed. In the days following the crash, Iran insisted that the plane had crashed as a result of an engine problem. If this plane belonged to an Iranian airline and there were no foreign citizens on board, then the cause of the crash of the airliner would remain unknown.

Only three days after the crash, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zaraif said that, according to the preliminary findings of an internal investigation conducted by the armed forces, it was concluded that the airliner was shot down by accident as a result of "human error." But this was not true either – the plane was shot down deliberately,” Rahmanifar said, adding that there are many such precedents in the history of Iran and therefore what Iran says should always be treated with a certain degree of skepticism.

The expert noted that the founder and leading analyst of the Hudson Institute once said, "The truth is that in Iran, in any embassy, there cannot be an accident unless Iran wants it."

Rahmanifar recalled that immediately after the accomplishment of the Islamic revolution, an attack was made on the US embassy in Iran.

“The embassy was occupied, and 52 US diplomats were taken hostage. Subsequently, there were attacks on the Saudi Arabian embassy in Tehran and the consulate of this country in Mashhad, on the embassies of Pakistan (twice) and the United Kingdom). And now, Azerbaijan is on this list.

No other embassy, except for those listed, was attacked. But these countries, along with Israel, are the sworn enemies of Iran. There is no doubt that the attack on the Azerbaijani embassy was authorized and organized by the Iranian special services,” the observer said.--0--

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