Tigran Khzmalyan: Armenia has started the process of "divorce" with Russia, and the West will take Russia's place

Baku/01.11.22/Turan: As you know, on November 23, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan refused to sign the declaration of the Collective Security Council of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO CSC) and the draft on joint measures to provide assistance to Armenia. The refusal is due to the lack of a political assessment of Azerbaijan's "aggression" against the territorial integrity of Armenia by the organization -  the talk is about three episodes of the use of Baku's armed forces since May 2021, Pashinyan said. But why did the CSTO refuse to support Armenia and condemn Azerbaijan?

Co-chair of the European Party of Armenia Tigran Khzmalyan answers this and other questions  from Turan.

According to him, this happened due to the alien nature of this organization to Armenia. “Probably because, as President Aliyev said during one of his recent speeches, “Azerbaijan has more friends in the CSTO than Armenia.”

The CSTO is a club of dictators in which, twice elected by the free will of the people, Pashinyan looked like something alien,” Khzmalyan said. In his opinion, in fact, Pashinyan, like Armenia, was a hostage of the CSTO and Russia in general.

“There is a Russian military base in Armenia. Under one of the former presidents, Robert Kocharian, the process of transferring almost the entire economy - energy, communications and transport of Armenia - to Russian state monopolies began. Therefore, Armenia is very deeply colonized by Russia.

That is why this position of a hostage, which is not customary to talk about, was voiced. In Yerevan, Pashinyan dared to throw a direct accusation against Putin,” Khzmalyan said. According to the Armenian politician, although this demarche of Pashinyan was not a surprise. He was preparing for it.

According to Khzmalyan, he and the European Party of Armenia headed by him regard the 44-day war of 2020 as a joint action of Russia, Azerbaijan and Turkey against Armenia, and that thanks to the efforts of his party, the Armenian society began to share their position. He is convinced that this point of view is becoming "the cornerstone of the state policy of Armenia."

The main result of not only the CSTO summit, but also the policy of previous years was that Armenia is now quite quickly curtailing its traditional foreign policy and there is less and less Russia and more and more West in Armenia, Khzmalyan said.

“An example of this is the meeting of the French Senate on November 15 and yesterday's meeting of the National Assembly of France, which was specially dedicated to our region of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh. This was the main outcome of the CSTO summit. He formalized the beginning of the divorce process between Armenia and Russia and the cardinal reorientation of Armenia towards the European Union,” Khzmalyan emphasized.

Answering the question - will not the price of such a reorientation be prohibitively high? Does Armenia realize that this could result not only in the final loss of Karabakh, but also in new territorial losses, the Armenian politician said: “It seems to me that they paid at the beginning and paid very dearly, but did not receive anything in return. Therefore, a belated time of calculation comes. –0—

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