A website of the Ministry of Communications

The official portal of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (http://mincom.gov.az) has been updated.

Access is facilitated, simplified navigation. As the Ministry told Turan, in its new version takes into account the legal requirements to the information resources of government structures. Formerly part of the site has been working in Azerbaijani and English, is a Russian version ceased to be "extras."

Interface mobile units affected site design, large buttons inherent smartphones and tablets next generation is on the pages of this resource, so the possibility of extended horizontal paging and use animated features. The main thing - the number of the "hot line" at the top of the main page are ways to reach the ministry officials via email.

Readers are interested, first of all, the virtual services. The relevant section of the list is specified, and the windows are displayed. Press menu to change for the better, from there you can download not only texts, but also the Ministry of Communications logo. Finally, it is possible correspondence with the Ministry through social networks. - 17D-


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