Arab investors are attracted to agriculture

At a  meeting in Baku with the delegation of MBM Group of companies from the United Arab Emirates Minister of Agriculture on September 28 Heydar Asadov discussed the scope of the agricultural sector of the country, requiring additional investment and ways of their investments.

The Azerbaijani side has proposed to Arab investors to take part in the creation of agro-parks, logistic base for export in Azerbaijan grown agricultural products, including poultry meat and eggs, as well as canned fruit and vegetables to the United Arab Emirates and other Arab countries. There is scope for joint ventures of livestock farms, the logistics base for storage and trade, as well as meat and milk.

Director of Corporate Affairs MBM Group Federico Carvelli noted that his company is interested in establishing cooperation with Azerbaijan and investment in the agricultural sector infrastructure, as well as the creation of agro-parks.

According to the State Customs Committee, for 6 months of 2016 Azerbaijan exported to the UAE milk and cream - 22 tons, butter -2,7 tons,  cheese - 1.7 tons,  tomatoes - 20.6 tons, mushrooms - 8.66 tons, hazelnut - 44 tons, fruit juice - 80 tons and other agricultural products and products of their processing on the total amount of  $600,000. --08D--

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