Assets of "Azer Turk Bank" decreased by 29.1%

The assets of  the "Azer Turk Bank" in 2016 compared to 2015 decreased by 196. 870 manats, or 29.1%, amounting to 475.794.000 manats.  According to Turan,  over the year the bank granted loans amounting to 150.162.000 manats, which is by 63.27% less than the loans issued in 2015, or 258.698.000 manats. Consumer loans in 2016 were issued in the amount of 31.453.000 manats, while in 2015 it amounted to 30. 980.000 manats. The bank's liabilities during the reporting period decreased by 204.161.000 manats or 32.97%, to 414. 903.000 manats. The volume of deposits in "Azer Turk Bank" rose to 267. 976.000 manat (an increase of 25.017 manat or 10.29%.)

Population's deposits in the bank over for the year decreased by 23% or 40.760.000 manats, reaching 135.954.000 manats. The bank's capital in 2016 increased by 13.3% or 6.792.000 manats, and reached 57. 683.000 manats.

Over  the year the number of bank branches increased from 7 to 11, the number of POS-terminals from 48 to 130, the number of ATMs from 12 to 16 and the number of employees from 313 to 382.

In 2016, customers'  of Azer Turk Bank "  have  been issued 27. 960 plastic cards,  and in 2015 – 16. 445 cards were issued in 2015.In 2016, the bank’s profit  was  7.337.000 manats. The bank's authorized capital amounts to 50.000.000  AZN. 71D

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