Central Bank of Azerbaijan Clarifies Issue of Supplying Systems for Destruction of Metallic Money

The Central Bank of Azerbaijan has clarified the issue of tender on supplying systems for the destruction of metallic money. The Central Bank explained that the purpose of the tender is not correctly interpreted in the media.

‘We are talking about the destruction of metallic money, which came in a state of disrepair, and went out of circulation. Currently, metal coins in general are in circulation and we do not plan to completely withdraw them from the market,’ the Central Bank stated.

The bank noted that for more than 10 years of metal money in circulation, unusable coins have been periodically replaced by the Central Bank.

At the same time the Central Bank said that a similar system exists for the destruction of banknotes dilapidated.

It should be noted that in connection with the tender announced by the Central Bank, some media have suggested that metal money will ultimately be derived from the circulation. ---71D

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