Cotton Harvest Exceeds 50,000 Tons

As of November 7 Azerbaijan picked 50.4 thousand tons of raw cotton, which is 20.4 thousand tons more than in the comparable period of 2015.

Cotton harvest continues in 23 regions. According to the Committee, the majority of harvested cotton accounted for the Agjabedi, Saatli, Sabirabad, Imishli and Bilasuvar regions. Cotton growers in these areas brought together 26.5 thousand tons of the harvest.

The Ministry of Agriculture believes all is not lost yet, and before the winter they can collect another 50,000 tons of cotton. The cotton pickers purchased by JSC Agroleasing gradually come into the fields.

This year cotton sowing was carried out on 52,057 hectares of land.

Many independent experts do not agree with the government's plans to expand the area under cotton in the next 2-3 years to 250,000 ha. According to them, plants more efficient economically could be grown instead.   ---08D

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