Devaluation Helps BSE

Loss from operations of BSE for 2015 increased by 7 times and made up 800 thousand AZN. This is evidenced by the financial report of the stock exchange.

Last year, the BSE tariff revenues amounted to 377 thousand manats, which was 60% less than in the previous year. The main reason for falling revenues is reducing operations with securities, both in the corporate and public sector.

Due to the funds in banks in the amount of 2.5 million AZN, 221.8 thousand AZN was gained. Most likely, these funds are held in foreign currency. Because of the devaluation of the manat the exchange saved 636 thousand AZN. As a consequence, the net profit of the BSE for 2015 amounted to 36.3 thousand AZN, 33% less than in 2014.

BSE was created in 2000. Its authorized capital is 1 million 260 thousand manats. The exchange shares are distributed among 20 investors, none of which has more than 10% of the shares.

As of January 1, 2016, BSE retained undistributed profit in the bank for a total amount of 1 million 874 thousand AZN.    -----08D

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