From the beginning, the number of employees has increased by 1%

In September of this year, the average number of employees, who get salaries, amounted to 1 395.3 thousand. This is 7.8 million or 1% more than the average for 2011.

State Statistics Committee told Turan, as compared to January of this year the number of employees in the public sector fell by six thousand people, and in September was 838 thousand people. In the private sector during this period, the number of employees increased by 40 thousand people.

By type of employment structure of employees is as follows: 

Education - 23.5%

health and social services - 9.5%

sale and maintenance of motor vehicles - 19.6%

industry - 12.6%,

construction - 7.5%,

transport and storage - 5%, etc.

According to the presented financial statements in the SCS, in September, the average monthly salary in the country was about 397 manat. And for the first nine months of this year, the average salary of employees amounted to 388.2 manat, increasing by 8.6% compared to the same period in 2011. - 08D-


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