High-Tech Park in Anticipation of Government Orders

Alternative Energy of Azerbaijan will not only provide a fifth of the electricity production. It also aims at the development of information technology, communications and energy conservation.

According to head of the Communications Ministry Department of Information Society Isfyandiyar Aliyev, these days will be issued a detailed order of the government of the High-Tech Park.

The paper will reflect all the organizational issues, including the allocation of land in the city of Sumgait and breakdown by 15 companies in various fields. The documentation is ready, so that the decision is imminent.

In May, the head of state was presented to one of the samples of high-tech companies - the plant Azguntex, specializing in lighting technology. Over the next 8 years (pre-program "targeted" by the year 2020) will be launched production of advanced optical lenses, glass and basalt fiber, consumer, industrial and automotive batteries. They will not push to the periphery  the production of lamps in LED-technology, inverters, connectors, test equipment, tied to solar energy. Local manufacturers will learn the production co-current cables. There are already pre-applications for placement in the park a number of industries, which now need to translate into concrete projects and investments.

The plans not only stipulate application of ready technology solutions and technologies, but also the development of them on the basis of local scientific and technical potential. - 17D-


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