In 15 regions of Azerbaijan ready space for e-government training centers

The project "Creation of Azerbaijan Training Centre for e-government " is coming to a close.

According to the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology ( MCIT) , on the eve of the meeting of Working Group, composed of Korean and local experts in connection with a comprehensive discussion of emerging issues regarding created centers . Recall , a grant agreement between the ministry and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs AR Republic of Korea on the project " Building a Training Center in Azerbaijan for electronic government" came into force on May 15, 2013 , according to the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan.

  By convention, in Baku and 15 regions ( Ganja, Nakhchivan , Sumgait , Mingachevir , Barda , Lankaran, Gadabay, Zagatala, Imishli, Gabala, Geychay, Shirvan , Shamakhi, Guba and Sheki ) provide for the establishment of educational classes for eGovernment . The Korean side will provide centers with the necessary equipment and establish a special education information system.

In Baku for the training center there has already been allocated space (1 room for lectures , two computer labs and multimedia class 1 ). The classes alloc ated for the center in administrative buildings of 14 telecommunication nodes (Ganja , Sumgayit , Mingachevir , Barda , Lankaran , Gazakh, Zagatala, Imishli, Shirvan , Gabala , Geychay , Shamakhi , Guba and Sheki) have been  renovated and brought into a state fit for use.

The centers will act as soon asthey are  "brought to mind." They organize training courses to improve the skills of civil servants , in addition, there would be an opportunity to provide distance learning.

The project envisages the passage of Azerbaijani specialists courses in Korea for organizing activities and training center training materials . The Azerbaijan training center for e-government will facilitate the acquisition of new skills and knowledge of civil servants in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) .

The center also will provide an impetus to the introduction of ideas of e-government in the public administration and other areas of public life, the development of the information society, the overall level of e-literacy , the growth of e-services, the press -service of the Ministry of Communication . - 17D-


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