Inflation in annual terms amounted to 3.4%

Over the five months of this year annual inflation was 3.4%. The statement of the Central Bank of Azerbaijan on main directions of monetary and financial stability in 2015 reads that  annual inflation was projected at the level of 2-3%.  According to the SSC, since the beginning of the year, food prices in comparison with January-May 2014 increased on average by 5.2%. Non-food products rose by 2.7%, services to the population - 1.4%.

In 2013 and 2014 inflation in Azerbaijan made up 2.4% and 1.4%, respectively. The official forecast for this year does not exceed 3%, while international financial institutions expect  higher inflation rates. For example, the International Monetary Fund raised its inflation forecast for this year to 8.5%. The government, as a rule, does not revise forward-looking indicators.

Inflation accelerated in Azerbaijan after the administrative devaluation since February 21 this year, when the lost purchasing power of the manat to the US dollar by about 34%. --08B—

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