JSC Azerkosmos signed an agreement on the amount of 5 million manat with suppliers of various goods and services

The State Procurement Agency of Azerbaijan has published data on contracts of Azerkosmos.

According to official figures, this year they signed 11 agreements worth about 5 million manats. The largest contract - with the American company Harmonic International on the purchase of broadcast equipment at the total cost of $ 5 million 214.05 thousand , concluded on October 22 of this year. In second place - a similar contract with the Hungarian company Huntegra Systems Kft valued at $ 228.3 million (October 7). For advertising purposes, including design works to the local LLC Yumaks will be paid 46.25 million manat . Other positions are less important.

In the past year, the most tangible waste of public agencies were in the construction sector - only the final stage of the construction of the satellite control center of Qafqaz-S Insaat has been allocated 4 million 741 thousand 650.56 manat.

JSC Azerkosmos with a capital of 40 million manat was established in 2010 to launch a telecommunication satellite and for the management and implementation of maintenance works. The owner of 100 % of the capital and assets is the state.

The function includes the orbiting of the satellite, telecommunications services, the selection of insurance companies for services, cooperation with space (satellite) operators, and conducting various studies in this direction. - 17D-


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