Kerem Hasanov: "Citizens are to blame for the presence of false documents"

The State Committee for Property Affairs is ready to give an extract from the register ( "bills of sale" ) of houses for sale in the presence of the act of the building.

As noted earlier the SCP chairman Kerem Hasanov during a meeting with representatives of civil society , new buildings in the presence of such an act will be included in the register of real estate.

According to him , the citizens who have purchased housing , must take responsibility for signing documents together with the owners of construction companies. "Usually people who want to buy apartments in new buildings, are fed with promises or issued documents that have no legal force. That is why the victims should not blame state agencies for that. They must be more vigilant," he complained.

Article 4 of the Housing Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan ( Providing conditions for the right to housing ) says that public authorities and municipalities within their competence, create conditions for the implementation of housing rights . This means that the contract between the buyer and seller of property also provides for financial obligations of the parties , therefore it must be certified by a public notary. But it does not guarantee the right to housing .

A large number of cases where developers sell one apartment to several trusting people , shows that government agencies deliberately allow this segment of law to drift. In the courts the owners of building structures accused of such cases have repeatedly stated that they were forced to engage in fraud due to the fact that they pay bribes to officials for a building permit, for the allocation of land for the building, not complying with the heights, for the act of delivery of housing operation and other papers .

Yesterday the Main Directorate for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General filed a similar criminal case - this time against RT Ltd under articles 308.1 ( abuse of power) and 313 (forgery ) . - 17D-


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