Launch of  the  EU twinning project to support the veterinary control in Azerbaijan

On September 2, Baku hosted the EU project entitled "Support to the State Veterinary Service to monitor the strengthening of the surveillance system in Azerbaijan."

Twinning project is aimed at strengthening the capacity of veterinary services, prevention and control of animal diseases in accordance with the requirements of the Office  International des  Epizooties (OIE)  and to promote economic growth of the agricultural sector and improving the situation of food safety in Azerbaijan.

EU Ambassador to Azerbaijan, the representatives of France and the Embassy of Hungary, the experts of the Food and Agriculture Organization, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, World Bank, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Economy, the Customs Committee, the Ministry of Health and other agencies are taking part in the event, says   press release of the  EU office in Azerbaijan.

The project cost is 1020000 euros, it was launched on  May 19, 2016, and will run for two years, the Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan, Office of the agri-food and forestry France and Food Security Network Hungary.

Head of the EU Delegation in Azerbaijan Mrs. Malena Mard, speaking at the event, said that this project will be another cornerstone of cooperation between the EU and Azerbaijan in the field of rural development. -02D-

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