Who allowed  Jangir Hajiyev  to take out from the  country billions?

At the trial  in the case of the former head of the "International Bank of Azerbaijan" (IBA) Jahangir Hajiyev on Friday spoke  witnesses. Hajiyev’s former Deputy, Emin Mustafayev, testified against his boss.

"157 loans listed in the indictment, including VİP loans were issued to Jahangir Hajiyev, his family and people close to him.  For this the  decision of the Supervisory Board is required, but there was not such a decision. These loans were issued under a guarantee, but  by the order of Jangir Hajiyev, we were forced to give them without guarantees. It was illegal, so after the resignation  of  Hajiyev, I appealed to the Interior Ministry about this question," said Mustafayev, who is now an adviser to the new head of the IBA. He also said that the bank employee named Jalil Dashdamirov was fired after  he did not obey the instruction by Hajiyev.

 Hajiyev’s former driver Aydin Mehdiyev,  said that he was given to sign about 30 documents, and only  then he learned that a loan of nearly $12 million was taken on his name.

At the same time, the prosecutor Farid Nagiyev said that  from January 2009 to September 1, 2013 on Mehdiyev’s name were issued three plastic cards  for the amount  32 million USD; 18 million 730,000 EUR, and 10 million manat.

Earlier, Hajiyev said that  the  Finance Minister Samir Sharifov was also to be brought to justice together with him , since the Ministry was aware of the loans issued, and approve them through the Supervisory Board and as the owner of the controlling block of shares of the state.

Today, however, the Ministry of Finance stated officially that from October 2009 to March 2015, contrary to the decisions of the Supervisory Board, International Bank  issued loans to businesses and individuals without guarantees by 1.3 billion manat, $ 1.4 billion, and 300 million Euros.

In addition, at the instruction of Hajiyev and in violation of the current legislation, the country had exported  $3.7 billion, and  1.1 billion Euros. These funds were used to purchase debt securities (bills) of offshore companies, not having a positive credit rating. Subsequently, these funds through a variety of schemes were forwarded to the projects, majority of which belonged to Jahangir Hajiyev.

If a representative of the Ministry of Finance said the truth, it turns out that in the financial and banking sector of Azerbaijan for many years there was no full control. Maybe it would  continue if the  price of oil would not have collapsed , and the country's leadership would not   start clarification  this  collapse. —06D--

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