Market value of Turkish Petkim complex is $2.2 billion

Market value of the Turkish Petkim complex is currently estimated at $2.2 billion, said Petkim chairman of Board Vagif Aliyev.

He added that Petkim is among the first companies in Turkey, which is quoted at the exchange.

“Petkim produces about 60 types of products and exports its products to over 50 countries of the world, which makes it the biggest exporter in the Aegean region. 6,000 small- and medium-size companies use Petkim’s products in Turkey. Petkim has been operating over 50 years and employs 150,000 people,” said the same source.

He added that Petkim fully supports the government, economy and stability in Turkey.

“The company will continue working for the prosperity of Turkey and it is ready to cooperate with the government,” said the same source.

The shareholders have the following shares in Petkim: SOCAR Turkey Petrokimya A.S. – 51%, SOCAR Turkey Enerji A.S. – 5,3216% and 43,6784% is in a free circulation at the exchange.—0—

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