Ministry of Finance Only Now Starts Checking Thefts in IBA and Ministry of Communications?

The Financial Control Service in the Ministry of Finance during the audit of state enterprises in 2015 revealed evidence of theft in the expenditure of public funds. According to this body, the total of these funds amounted to nearly 8 million manats. At the same time, more than 7 million manats was transferred to the budget by the persons guilty of the embezzlement.

Facts of overruns were found in the University of Technology (1.5 million AZN).

In regions of the country illegal spending of about 2.4 million manat was identifid, of which about 1.7 million AZN was returned to the budget.

130 thousand manats was spent illegally in the executive power of the Agjabedi region, as much in the Samukh region, 233,000 AZN in the Ministry of Agriculture machine station and 156,000 AZN in the sport center Tahsil at the Ministry of Education.

Information on all these checks was sent to the prosecutor for appropriate measures.

Total on the inspections in 2015 administrative penalties were taken against 931 officials and they were fined for a total sum of 576 thousand manats.

At the end of the Ministry of Finance report it is said about the "beginning" of audits of financial statements in the construction of the new international sea port, the Ministry of Communications entitiesd of Baktelecom, Aztelecom, Azintelecom and Azerpocht.

In addition, there is a check of issuing loans to individuals and legal entities by the International Bank of Azerbaijan.   -03D-

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