Missing law on amendments to the law "On Public Procurement"

Presented to the Cabinet of Ministers in November 2012, the draft law on the improvement of AR law "On Public Procurement" has not yet been submitted to Parliament, though in recent times in the country there were several legislative acts (on the State Register of Legal Entities, accountability of political parties and public organizations, etc.), the discussion period of which lasted for several days.

The draft law on amendments and additions to the Law "On Public Procurement" was prepared by the State Procurement Agency (SEA). In the preparation of the law on the organization of e-procurement project involved experts competitiveness and trade the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

The bill provided for publication on the official website of procurement agency procurement plan as well as the expected value of the purchased goods (works and services), the exclusion of methods of procurement opportunities unbeatable.

The assessment is proposed to revise the cost of participation of applicants in public procurement. Currently purchasing organization can set the size of the cost of participation in the tender, at no more than 0.2% of the estimated cost of purchase. The bill also is proposed to meet the costs of publication of tender announcement, the reproduction of the bidding documents, they are sending, translation services.

Gas proposes to simplify the process for the candidates of bids. The agency believes that the proposed amendments to the law "On Public Procurement", if adopted, will help develop free competition in public procurement, improving their transparency and efficiency, etc. - 08D-


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