New Provisions on State Service for Antimonopoly Policy and Consumer Protection

President Ilham Aliyev signed an April 28 decree aimed at regulating issues related to the implementation of state control over public procurement.

In this connection, he adopted a new Regulation on the State Service for Antimonopoly Policy and Consumer Protection (SSAPCP) at the Ministry of Economy, its structure and the size of its staff.

The service consists of departments and sectors and regional offices. In the central office the number of staff units will be 147 and in the regions - 52. The Head of Service has 3 deputies. All of them are appointed by the Minister of Economy.

In addition, the President instructed the Cabinet of Ministers to prepare a new bill on public procurements within five months, taking into account advanced international experience. The current law was signed in December 2001.

The new Regulation on SSAPCP provides another function of this structure. This is implementation of the state policy and control of public procurement.

In January this year the State Procurement Agency was canceled and its powers and functions were transferred to SSAPCP.

The Regulation states that the Service carries out activities for the efficient and economical use of public funds in public procurement, holding them on a competitive basis and on the basis of openness, to prevent violations of the public procurement legislation.

The Service investigates disputes arising in public procurement, examines complaints of applicants, and suspends procurement procedures, raises the question of the cancellation of the results of tenders. It has the right of approval of the decision of procurement agency on another method of procurement, other than a public tender and quotation poll.

All reports on the results of the tenders will be submitted to the State Service for final approval.

SSAPCP creates a special Internet site for public procurement, which hosts the tender, etc. information on public procurement announcements and results.    -----08D

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