Pipes from Kashagan field in Kazakhstan sent for examination

The pipes on the Kashagan field in Kazakhstan, where lekage has been detected, have ben replaced and sent for examination, reported official media of Kazakhstan.

“The pipeline will be examined by a special robotic device. The pipeline sections, where the leakage has been detected have been replaced and sent for examination to determine the leakage reason,” reported the media.

The artificial islands were build on the Kashagan field in the Caspian Sea and wells have been drilled there. The islands are connected with the onshore Bolashak installation with the oil and gas pipelines.

On September 11, 2013 North Caspian Operating Company (NCOC) annonced commencement of oil production on Kashagan  as a part of the production sharing agreement (PSA). However, at the end of September and early October leakage was detected on the ground section of the gas pipeline, 2 km away from the Bolashak plant. The oil production has been suspended. 

Kashagan field is located in the shallow section on the north of the Caspian Sea, which has a fragile ecological system. The oil and gas production is complicated here, because of high bed pressure, depth of bedding and high content of hydrogen sulphide.-0--


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