Prepared Higher Preferences for Local Suppliers of Goods and Services

The Ministry of Economy and Industry drafted regulatory law acts, according to which preferences for local suppliers of goods and services during the public procurement doubled. Thus, local companies will enjoy more favorable conditions in the tender purchasing than their foreign competitors.

Changes are expected in the Law "On Public Procurement," the government’s decree of 28 October 2002 "On approval of rules and scope of application of concessions, a method of counting the effect of the purchase price changes in the prices of goods (works and services) and determining the amount of divisible parts." If Parliament agrees to accept the changes to the law, local companies, depending on the amount of use of local raw materials and labor, will receive price concessions in the amount of 10 to 25% of the proposed import of goods and services.

The government believes that a two-fold increase in preferences will increase the amount of locally produced goods and services. At the same time, reports on the previously existing concessions to local suppliers of goods and services have not been published for 11 years. --08B

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