Quarterly Income of Population Lags behind Average for Previous Year

The average per capita income in the first quarter (332.3 manat per month) was 4.6% behind the average of the previous year (348.4 manat), the State Statistics Committee said.

According to official figures, in the three months nominal income was at 996.8 manat, while real income was 901.5 manat. In absolute terms, the ratio was 9 billion 455,900,000 to 8 billion 552 million manat.

More than three quarters of revenues (75.7%, or $ 7 billion 158,100,000) was spent on public goods and services, 12.6%, or 1,191,400,000 - on the accumulation and purchase of freely convertible currency. In addition, 9.6% or 907.8 million was spent on the payment of taxes, duties, social and insurance fees, while the remaining 2.1% of revenue, or 198 600 000 manat was spent on interest payments on loans. --17D-

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