Shortage of potatoes in Gedabey

The current crop of potatoes in Gedabey area will be worse than last year.

According to the local executive authorities, the collection is projected at 187 907 tons (minus 6.1%) with an average yield of 16 tons of product per hectare.

Experts attribute the decline in production with reduced acreage - according to official figures, this year under this kind of vegetables villagers allocated 12 201.8 hectares, which is 6.2% less than in 2013. Affected last year's situation when farmers due to artificially low prices have lost all the profit.

Recall that in Gedabey area mainly cultivated potato varieties such as "Holland", "Gezef" and "Telman." Farmers offer potatoes at a wholesale price 0.5-0.7 manat per kilogram.

In Gedabey area except potatoes harvested 2,281 tons of grain with 1108 ha of cultivated area, which corresponds to the last year (2 276 tons 974.3 ha) indicators. It is worth noting a decrease of grain yield from 2.34 to 2.06 tons. -17D-

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