Violations of Building and Town Planning Regulations by 15 Companies on Absheron Peninsula

The State Committee of Urban Planning and Architecture (SCUPA) published the results of the first actions of state in town planning control, according to which, during the construction of residential buildings in Baku, Sumgait and Absheron 15 companies violated the building and planning regulations. The buildings that are being built in violation of laws and so forth regulations are indicated with the addresses.

According to the deputy head of the SCUPA department of urban control Ali Ibrahimov, the test events were held 30-31 March. The Executive Power of Baku, Sumgayit and the Absheron region were instructed to eliminate detected violations and inform the State Committee.

Violations are related to the permissible limit of the height and number of floors of buildings, building density factor of the territory, etc. Additionally warned were the design companies Con-Lay Project, ARCHI-CO, GENTECHS, Arxin-M LTD, Phoenix AA, Ayan-A, Memar-FR, Architecture and Design and Nigel. In the case of similar violations, they may lose their licenses.

It should be noted that violations of building and town planning regulations were found in companies FVS-Inshaat, Nehram Holding, Korpu-Bina -Tikinti, AMK-Yasamal, YUSIF.A .Inshaat, F.I.P. and housing co-operatives De-Luxe, REAL, Orbit, Yusif-2014, Baki-XXI BM, Yeni Masazir-A, Crystal Absheron, Polad-2008 and New City. -----08B

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